From Osburne Russells' journal, Journal of a Trapper 1834-1843, page 82.
As can be seen by Russell's description of the mountain fur trapper, tools and dress were simple, but effective.

Tens of thousands of beaver pelts were taken from the Rocky Mountains. Yet it remains quite rare to visit a modern fur trade reenactment and see even a single beaver pelt.

Continuing with Russell's description of a trapper's tools, pictured above is the rifle, along with some of the tools and accoutrements necessary to use it. While the type and make of rifles used during this era were as varied as the men who used them, this particular rifle, the Northwest Trade gun, represents a type many of the trappers carried. It is a flintlock, smoothbore, .530 caliber muzzle loader.
Above the rifle is a shooting bag, which holds all of the other pictured items. The powder horn is above the shooting bag. These horns were made from either cow or buffalo horn, and typically could hold one pound of black powder. The smaller horn, below the rifle, holds a finer gained black powder used for priming the flintlock. A small antler powder measure (above the rifle barrel) measured out a powder charge for the gun. To the lower right corner is the bullet pouch, containing the round ball bullets. To the left of the pouch, flints for the flintlock, a screw driver, spring vise, touch hole pick, and bullet starter fro the ramrod. Above the pouch are two bars of lead, used for making the ball bullets. A bullet mold, used by melting the lead in a small laddle, and pouring into the mold, is shown below.

The knives are a curved butcher knife (top) with a seven inch blade, and a long, straight butcher knife (bottom) that has a 12 inch blade. The curved knife is carried in the leather sheath shown. This particular knife is a "Green River" knife made by J. Russell & Co. of Green River, Mass. IT is of some interest to note that this company did not exist prior to 1835, and many of their knives wouldn't have made it out West until after the last rendezvous in 1840. This particular knife style was made during the 1860's, and often traded to the Native people. Both of the knives are hand-forged. Jim Bridger often talks about the "Green River" knife, but not until the buffalo hunting days of the 1840's and 1850's.
The last items in this photo are the fire making tools. The "C"-shaped striker is made of steel and is often referred to as a "Steel." The so called flints could be flint of chert. Chert is the more common rock found in the United States. When striking a sharp edge of the chert with the steel, sparks can be made. These sparks are tiny slivers of steel being shaved off of the striker. When caught in a prepared tinder of char-cloth, or cat-tail duff, or even some dry grass, it is possible to create an ember for a fire. Steels came in many shapes and styles.